Peanut Butter Gamer Wiki
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Upload Date July 7th 2013
Series Reviews


PBG makes a review for Animal Crossing New Leaf.


PBG has always enjoyed life simulation games, like The Sims, Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing. He has been looking forward to the game's release since before the 3DS was even released! It was one of the reasons why PBG picked up the system. He is angry that it took four years for the game to come out after the announcement! But it is out now, so everything is alright. And the wait was worth it.

PBG thinks that the Animal Crossing games work best on the handheld systems especially with the touch screen. PBG talks about the nosey cat named Rover that is seen at the start of all the games, and PBG is wearing a shirt with a 4 on it for some reason. PBG changes his outfit and his character sucks! His house is a tent, but it eventually becomes a decent sized house.

He has a room where he sets up for his YouTube videos. He has a YouTube channel called MayorButterGamer. PBG shows off his basement arcade, which is something PBG has dreamed of having. There are always plenty of things to do and plenty of goals to complete. One of the new things to do is being the mayor. There are even pointless festivals for every time a new project finishes! 

PBG has been observing the animals and he hardly calls them busy. PBG gets annoyed at the other towns people who build their houses too close to his, or get in the way of a bridge he wanted to make. He also wants to execute his neighbours, embezzle all of the other towns people funds into his own bank account, and he wants to eat Angus! He's just asking for it!

PBG gives a tip to catch bugs past 5pm, as they sell for a ton of bells. Or you can just cheat! It is possible to play multiplayer with friends. PBG has a hard time explaining Animal Crossing to people. He sings a song about insulting the Animal Crossing characters. PBG gets a balloon present. He shows what will happen on the next episode of his show.
